You know you want it...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eternal Moonwalk

Because deep down we all wish we could moonwalk like MJ.

Kenna Hell Bent

Kenna - Hell Bent

Fantastic artist. Fantastic song.

You Want Music... Because You Do!

People hate being told what they need, but love being told what they want. Funny how that works huh? So though I know you may not need music; you know and I know that you want it.

But music is such a vague word, you say? Of course it is! Which is why I'm using it.

We are all pretty vague people, no matter how transparent we try to be and music is so popular now-a-days because it both illuminates and hides the reality of our vagueness.

You still with me?

I would like to hope so, especially because I want (but don't need of course) you to enjoy what vagueness I'm offering. I want you to enjoy a blog where vagueness is key. I pick music I want you to hear and hopefully enjoy, and maybe I'll leave you with a few vague words to illuminate just why I'm posting it. But then again maybe I won't. And just maybe I'll put up something vaguely involved with music, and you'll just have to ponder why.

I do hope you enjoy this blog. You know you want to.